
Incorporating arts and crafts into the classroom instruction is a passion of mine. You’ll find directed drawings and classroom crafts that allow you to ditch those mundane worksheets from time to time! After all, there is power in making the concepts learned in the classroom visual for our students!

Let’s Draw a Fox! FREEBIE!

I don’t think it’s any surprise that I love directed drawings.  I’ve been talking about this for a couple of years now on this blog of mine.  We even incorporate

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Mother’s Day Gifts

Looking for some Mother’s Day gift ideas?  I’ve got something new and a few oldies for ya!   Look how sweet this flower gift is that my mom came up

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Student-Made Cards

Do your students love making cards as much as the kids I know?!  Most jump at the chance to make a friend, family member, or teacher a homemade card.  They

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Froggy Friends

Happy Weekend, friends!  This past week my class started our first nonfiction unit of study for the year.  I always like to start with frogs because my students are just

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Let’s Draw a Fox! FREEBIE!

I don’t think it’s any surprise that I love directed drawings.  I’ve been talking about this for a couple of years now on this blog of mine.  We even incorporate

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Mother’s Day Gifts

Looking for some Mother’s Day gift ideas?  I’ve got something new and a few oldies for ya!   Look how sweet this flower gift is that my mom came up

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Student-Made Cards

Do your students love making cards as much as the kids I know?!  Most jump at the chance to make a friend, family member, or teacher a homemade card.  They

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Froggy Friends

Happy Weekend, friends!  This past week my class started our first nonfiction unit of study for the year.  I always like to start with frogs because my students are just

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