Good afternoon y’all! We are *almost* halfway through the week, but aren’t quite there yet! My classroom has been all kinds of busy now that we are in the swing of things! In Math, we have been learning about place value. This year is one of those years where my kids just *get it!* We spent one week on numbers through 99 and started this week on number through 999. I think next week we will go into the thousands! Here are some activities that we have enjoyed…
I gave each table a set of Doodle Bugs Animal Base Ten Cards. These are actually a FREEBIE that you can get on her blog HERE! I made a recording sheet where the kids wrote the number, value, and number word. I wish I had it here to share, but I can’t find it anywhere!
It was great because it forced my students to use our number line and number words! AND, of course they LOVE getting out of their seat!!!
We’ve been doing Abby’s Marshmallow Math for quite some time now, and every year they just eat it up (literally, ha!) I have a seriously sweet class this year, so they were all kinds of excited AND on their best behavior! I love hearing things like “I’ll never forget this day EVER” and “Thank you for letting us do such a fun activity, Mrs. Lemons” after we’ve just completed work! Because work doesn’t feel like work if you are having fun!!! It was even more fun to listen to my students talk about eating marshmallows after school in the car rider line… it was all the 2nd grade buzz 😉
And, this is a simple game that we made to compare 2 and 3 digit numbers. I gave each student 10 index cards and told them to number their cards from 0-9. Then, with a partner they mixed up their cards to make one stack. Partner one takes 2 cards from the top to make a 2 digit number. Partner 2 does the same. Whoever has the largest number gets all the cards! Once we started 3-digit numbers, we added more cards to our stack and drew 3 cards at a time instead of 2! This is seriously a hit! Once again, I’m pretty sure they aren’t even aware they are learning because it feels like play!
In Language Arts we are talking all about different types of punctuation and sentences using my “Strengthen My Sentences” unit. To introduce the topic, we did this sentence sort as a class. We will be using lots more from the same unit for the rest of the week!
And, in Reading we are all about Henry and Mudge! I brought home one of my books and Mudge craft for Joelle to make last night! I must say, she did pretty stinkin’ good for a 4 year old! Sidenote… we need to practice using scissors before she starts Kinder! Oh my! I admire you kinder teachers because this girl couldn’t cut on a line to save her life!!! I had to intervene and guide her hands 🙂 Using scissors is definitely on our to-do list! My kiddos will make Mudge later this week!
That’s it for now! My hubby is making dinner tonight so I’m about to go veg on the couch while Joelle plays with her babies 🙂 Have a wonderful evening, friends!

10 Responses
The sentence sort is such a great idea! My second graders definitely struggled with determining which type of sentence they were writing. Mudge is so cute {and so is Joelle!}
Sara 🙂
The Colorful Apple
What a bunch of great ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Amy, I love that marshmallow activity. It's perfect for what we are working on. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Second In Line
P.S. I love hearing the updates on Joelle!
I love your ideas, Amy! This is my first year in 2/3… I just purchased your sentences pack. Love it! 🙂
Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
LOVE all your place value ideas! Can't wait to teach it so I can use your ideas! so great! Thanks!
I just want you to know I LOVE EVERYTHING you do. You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing all you do.
I Like this idea! I've never tried it, but the wheels in my head are spinning with endless possibilities!
school cds
Great ideas! I love your blog!
If you find the response sheet for the animal place value activity, could you please post it??
Thank you so much for all of your amazing ideas!!
I teach Second grade here in CA and my students LOVED the animal place value. Thanks for sharing! I mad a quick recording sheet based off of your picture. You are welcome to use/post to others 🙂