A Little Break AND Luggage Tag FREEBIES!

Hey y’all!  I’m coming off of a MUCH NEEDED break.  Did you read Katie’s post HERE??!!  I was actually typing something very similar as I read hers, except I was trying to blog on my phone and it didn’t end up working… go figure.  Sometimes we just need a break, y’all!
Let’s back up to about two to three-ish weeks ago.  I was stressed to the max.  School was coming to an end.  I was trying to wrap up the school year PLUS get tons prepped for next year {just in case our littlest is able to come home during July/August}.  I wasn’t sleeping well.  I had headaches almost every.single.day.  My to-do list was never-ending.  And, things just kept getting worse and worse.  In fact, the night before the last day of school I couldn’t sleep a wink.  I actually got out of bed, organized my closet, packed for our vacation, and packed up all of Joelle’s uniforms that no longer fit… at 3:00 IN THE MORNING!!  It was bad, y’all!  Needless to say I couldn’t even enjoy my kiddos on my last day because I had gotten NO sleep, had a throbbing headache, and just felt like total junk.
Which got me thinking… am I doing so much to plan for the future that I’m not living in the present?!   The answer was clear… A BIG FAT YES!  After I got home on the last day of school I decided that I needed a detox from all things school, blogging, creating, and TPT.  I shut my computer down {for probably the first time in a year} and packed it away into our hall closet.  One that I never open because it’s junky, and who wants to be confronted with a messy closet on a daily basis anyways??  I decided that I needed a two-ish week vacation from work.  So, that’s what I did.  For the first time in a really long time I didn’t take my computer on our airplane.  I didn’t work during our downtime.  I just enjoyed my family and the beach.
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Well, I didn’t lock up my phone, because I’m not THAT intense.  Besides, no need to make social media and online boutiques suffer just because I was overwhelmed, right??!  Ha!  I stayed plugged in, but I didn’t let other people’s posts and pictures get me stressed out.  I just stayed connected for the fun of it!
I am so thankful that I took the time to focus on my family and just enjoy God’s beautiful creation.  I often times take the things that the Lord has blessed me with {teaching, blogging, TpT} and let those become a distraction to my daily walk with Him.  Here are some of the things I enjoyed most of all… playing card games every night with my family, watching Joelle play in the sand, actually watching a Disney movie without having my laptop open {guilty of that so many times!!}, having adult conversations with Jared, listening to Joelle read several Junie B. Jones books aloud, eating breakfast on the balcony every morning, playing with Joelle in the pool, and soooo much more.
It’s not that I’m constantly on the computer at home… I try and balance that as best as I can.  But, I’m not always plugged into what is going on around me.  Sometimes it is just hard to get out of work-mode, ignore the to-do lists, and turn my brain off.  So, after *almost* two weeks off, I’m back, but not totally.  I refuse to let my summer be ruined by always being in Teacher-Mode.  My family deserves better, my future students need me to rejuvenated, and I desperately need to spend more time in God’s Word.  I definitely recommend that YOU spend some time resting, relaxing, and getting refreshed.  YOU worked hard all year long.  YOU will work really hard in August.  YOU deserve a break!
In fact, I think you should pack up your bags and head somewhere RIGHT NOW!
Ha!  Wouldn’t that be amazing??!!  Well, just in case you really are heading somewhere this summer, I wanted to share some DIY luggage tags that I just made this morning.  They are super easy to make!  Ignore the hearts… that’s just covering up my personal info!
While we were standing in the airport last night I was noticing that all of our gazillion bags didn’t have matching luggage tags… OH THE HORROR!  I actually placed an order to get several matching tags, but it was over 30 bucks.  I’m not normally one to cancel an order, but I started thinking about how easy they would be to make instead of waste money on!
{{Fonts:  Kimberly Geswein, Backgrounds:  Teaching Super Power}}
So, since I made them I thought I would share with you!  All in the name of summer fun, right??!!
All you have to do is type in your contact info, print, cut, laminate, and tie onto your bags!  You can download the tags HERE for free 🙂
And with that, I’m going to actually take a shower today {gotta love summer!!} so that I can enjoy a movie with my husband!  We’re dropping the child off and heading out for a little date night 🙂

Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


Sample a day of Rooted in Reading with these lesson plans and activities for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar!

New In the Shop

16 Responses

  1. Amy I am so glad you had the strength to give it up and enjoy the little things! I am so convicted about this! You are amazing at all the things you do. So glad you got the recharge time in too! Love ya!

  2. I am so glad you were able to find the strength to put that computer away! I think we all feel that way at some point. Thanks for the wonderful luggage tags! They'll be making the trip to VEGAS with me! I hope you had a wonderful vacay and enjoy the rest of the summer with your precious family!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  3. I LOVE this post!!! I cannot agree more with you! I have really struggled lately with having to back off of posting on my blog as much because I just don't have the time. My blog will be there for me when I get back, my kids childhood will not. It looks like you enjoyed your vacation!!!

  4. Good for you! My blog and store isn't nearly as busy as yours but I completely understand what you mean by taking a step back. I try to shut down when I get home and the kids are awake. I've been watching my time on my phone. I keep it out where I can hear it but I try super hard not to touch it unless it rings when my boys are awake. Time is precious with them!

  5. Amy thanks for sharing! These are adorable 🙂 I'm glad you were able to put that laptop away. I need to gather your strength when I leave for vacation next week.

  6. I love your post!!! I remember seeing your before school was out posts on IG and wondering how you could do it all!? I am sorry you endured the sleepless nights and headaches but it seems He got you attention! Enjoy Summer! -Christina