Christmas… already??!!

I know that it is Thanksgiving Break, but I am in full swing Christmas mode.  The second that tree gets pulled out of the closet everything turns red and green in our house.  My family is full of Christmas crazies!!!  But, really, I know that once we go back to school after this break it will be all kinds of insane in the schoolhouse.  I’ll be herding wild cats while trying to squeeze in every ounce of Christmas magic in the classroom.  So, it’s really important that I get as much done for our family Christmas before November 30th!  I definitely don’t want my household to suffer because I’ll be in survival mode until December 18th at 12:00!!!
Last year after Christmas I ordered 24 books to continue a family tradition that we started a while back (idea originally from Sarah Cooley).  Well, ordering is the fun part because wrapping IS NOT!  But, I finally powered through and wrapped every last book!
This year I decided to make tags with Bible verses for us to read each day also.  I wanted something to keep us on track and focused on Jesus during the busy holiday season!  You can download those tags HERE.  Now, I’m all set for December 1st!  Rather than making the tags count down, I made them for the actual dates in December.  So, we will open a book and read a verse each night in December!
I also started working on gifts for Joelle’s teacher and my coworkers.  I needed a cute tag to tie on those presents, so I made these!  You can download those HERE!
Since Joelle and I have had the week off together, we have completed a few Christmasy activities here and there.  In her words, “Mama, you could just homeschool me and I wouldn’t have to change out of my pajamas.” Ha!  She absolutely LOVES when I sit down and draw with her, so we did a little Elf Directed Drawing and Application.
We read Memoirs of an Elf together… super cute story!!
We also made elves AND wrote about them because, after all, I am a teacher!!!
You can check out these elf activities HERE!
Now I’m off to eat lots and lots of potatoes… because…. that’s my favorite part of Thanksgiving, ha!
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Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


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