MLK activities, videos, and freebies!

We are gearing up for all things MLK this week, how about you?!  Normally I wait until after my students complete their activities to show you what we did, but I know some of you may like these resources and videos before starting your week!
We will be reading a lot of MLK books throughout the week.  There are soooo many out there that are really good!  Katie and I added this MLK nonfiction reader to our unit so that our kids could have something to use throughout the week while completing all of their activities.  I love nonfiction readers because I can print them 2-to-a-page and put them on my table groups for my kids to share!
Here’s how I print two-to-a-page if you are interested!
Also, I made these flap-ups that can be used with the nonfiction reader.  You can grab that HERE!
(Clipart:  From the Pond, Educlips)
We are definitely going to chart words that tell us about MLK.  I’ll use sticky notes so that I can use this chart again!
I’ll let my kids generate our words, but here are some great ones to get them started!  You can grab this freebie HERE!
(Clipart:  Melonheadz)
Once we’ve charted and discussed, it will be time for a little directed drawing and writing about this hero!
We will also spend a lot of the week talking about how much of an impact Dr. King’s words made on our world.  Here’s a video of Martin’s Big Words that we will watch!
We will also analyze several of his quotes and write/draw what they mean to us.
Then, we will focus on the dreams that we have now.  This little craft will also serve as a booklet to write about our dreams.
Here are some other MLK books that I found online if you are interested!
Our grammar focus is using commas in dates and in a series of words.  I wanted my students to continue learning about MLK even in grammar, so all of our activities will integrate reading and grammar!
As we are reading and learning, we will jot down important dates and events in the life of MLK
We will make this flapbook to write dates about four important events
And, we will put a timeline of MLK events in order as well as add commas in the appropriate places!  This activity incorporates a lot of skills!
I can’t wait to see how my kiddos do this week!  I’m sure they won’t even realize how much learning/working they are doing!!!
And, just in case you are planning ahead… February has been released!  You can find all of the details HERE!

Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


Sample a day of Rooted in Reading with these lesson plans and activities for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar!

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7 Responses

  1. Amy I love that you post your activities before doing them with your class, just because I am doing the same book and was able to add this before I teach it!!! 🙂 Love all your products!!