A couple of weeks ago I posted this picture on Instagram. I was at CVS doing a little perusing. I’m sure I needed toilet paper or something…but I always find
Word problems, regrouping, place value, OH MY! If you want to bring the engagement to your math block, I got you! You’ll find math games, activities, and lesson plan ideas that will hook your little learners. I’ll show you how make your math lessons go from drab to fab with the use of simple items such as a hula hoops, play-dough, and poms!
A couple of weeks ago I posted this picture on Instagram. I was at CVS doing a little perusing. I’m sure I needed toilet paper or something…but I always find
This week we have taken a little break from place value to work on our addition strategies and fact fluency. If I’m being honest, it’s been a much needed brain
Hey guys! This week in math we are all about numbers! We are comparing numbers, ordering numbers, skip counting, and looking at number lines with number patterns! Phew, that makes
We’ve been rockin’ and rollin’ with place value these past couple of weeks. Today our Place Value Pals made their grand debut in our classroom. My friends met these cool
I don’t think this is any surprise here, but math is my FAVORITE subject to teach. You’ll notice I blog about math more than any other subject area. If
Last year I struggled with the standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.8Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. or, in
A couple of weeks ago I posted this picture on Instagram. I was at CVS doing a little perusing. I’m sure I needed toilet paper or something…but I always find
This week we have taken a little break from place value to work on our addition strategies and fact fluency. If I’m being honest, it’s been a much needed brain
Hey guys! This week in math we are all about numbers! We are comparing numbers, ordering numbers, skip counting, and looking at number lines with number patterns! Phew, that makes
We’ve been rockin’ and rollin’ with place value these past couple of weeks. Today our Place Value Pals made their grand debut in our classroom. My friends met these cool
I don’t think this is any surprise here, but math is my FAVORITE subject to teach. You’ll notice I blog about math more than any other subject area. If
Last year I struggled with the standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.8Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. or, in