Frogs and Addition

Happy Hump Day, friends!  I always feel accomplished when Wednesday afternoon rolls around 🙂
Here’s what we’ve been up to…
Today we started reading Non-Fiction books about frogs.  My kiddos were enthralled during our reading time because come to find out, frogs are pretty interesting!  Charts with post-it notes are pretty much my thing this year.  I just can’t see myself making 2 of every chart for my classes.  Plus, I can take the post-its off and reuse the charts year after year.  The frogs on my chart are in THIS unit.  Made the perfect little accents 🙂  Oh, and I display books that fit our reading theme at the front of the room so that my kiddos have extra books to read when they get a chance!
If I had more time, I would have had my kiddos write on the post-its, but I was just squeezing this in.  After we filled up our chart we went through and put stickers where we found juicy words.
To compare fiction and nonfiction stories we have also read Frog and Toad books.  We made these cute little characters to do a quick writing activity and character analysis.
I actually did the venn diagram on the whiteboard with both classes and then transferred our ideas to a chart afterwards.
And, we sorted characteristics in our ELA spirals.  You can find that freebie HERE!
 In Math, we’ve been banging out those addition strategies!  They actually have a pretty good foundation using the strategies, BUT only when you remind them.  We are now working on applying our strategies!  The strategy posters and Doubles Dude are from my Addition unit.
After seeing Reagan’s Making Tens post, I decided to incorporate some of these circles maps this week so that we could jot our strategies in our math journals.  My kiddos are using these as a resource when solving other addition problems.
And, there you have it!  I’m off to take a quick nap before church tonight!

Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


Sample a day of Rooted in Reading with these lesson plans and activities for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar!

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9 Responses

  1. This is my first year teaching second grade and I am new to teaching. Your blog is a life saver. You have such amazing, creative ideas. I feel overwhelmed at times trying to find ideas to teach different subjects. Your blog helps me to relax and find things that will really work with my kiddos. Thank you of sharing all of your great ideas 🙂