Happy Monday, friends! This morning started out a little rough… Joelle and I stayed in bed until 6:55ish. We have to leave the house at 7:14. We ran around like crazy people, but managed to get here on time! Let’s just say it’s a casual, ponytail kind of day!
This weekend was cold and rainy, but we did manage to go out to dinner and do lots of relaxing!!!
This week in math we are continuing to tell time. Texas changed up our standards this year so we are now telling time to the minute. We started off reviewing time to the five minutes with a little slideshow I made. I will be adding this to my “It’s About Time” unit tonight! So, if you have purchased it previously, please make sure you redownload later on today!
Each student used a white board to record the time shown, and then we checked it together! The big clocks on my screen really helped us to be able to see the clocks closely and made counting by fives super easy!
After reviewing, each student made their very own watch from THIS freebie by CreateEducateInspire. I passed out sticky notes with different times for each student to make.
We did a quick “Find a Friend” activity. They had to find a watch and read 6 times correctly before joining us back on the carpet. Then, we discussed AM vs PM. We went through a typical school-day schedule… talked about when AM changes to PM… discussed AM and PM activities, etc. So, we covered a lot of concepts with just one simple activity!
My students also worked on a flower for our Garden of Time. This time I let them choose a time to make. They also had to write an activity that they do during that time of day.
And now my math bulletin board is updated and looking quite spiffy!
During math stations one of my rotations is to come to the teacher table. Since telling time can be so difficult we are doing some extension activities during our math group. I used an old-school time match that I found forever ago, a True/False activity from Cara’s time unit, and a flipchart from Promethean Planet.
Hopefully telling time to the minute will go smoothly… I’m pretty nervous, so I’ll keep you posted!

6 Responses
Loving all the activities with time here! I can be a complicated skill to teach, but I definitely know that with constant/daily practice the students will get it.
I would reward a student one of our classroom Scholar Dollars if they could tell the time to the EXACT minute and any time I choose throughout the day! They LOVED it and EVERYONE always tried!
Fishing for Education Blog
Haha, I love how you have to leave the house at 7:14…we've got the same thing here. 6:13 means I'm early and 6:17 means I'm LATE! Thanks for all the great ideas, Jen
I love all your stuff! I have always been curious if your awesome products supplement your district's Reading Series and Math Series or if what you create is what you use. I see you recently changed your telling time standards. I teach in Ohio and we have adopted the Common Core. We are required to use the adopted district materials (Pearson Reading and McGraw-Hill) 80% of instruction! I use your materials as much 🙂 Love them. Thank you!
Yay! I have that unit, so I'm excited about the slideshow. Thanks! I know about those rush out the door days all too well–twin 4th grade girls!!!
I love all your activities! How do you find the time to cut out all those different pieces of construction paper so that the students can make all those things? I assume the kids don't cut it but maybe they do. If I left it up to the kids to cut we would spend all day cutting things out! ha
OMG! I am sooo excited!! I have been away from blogging/TPTing/etc. for awhile and to come back and see my products in use by someone I admire is AMAZING! Thank you so much for the post and the shout out! I returned the favor. I also added another FREEBIE to my post for all to enjoy. 🙂