Imagine implementing a new reading curriculum only to find out the reading lesson plans are nothing like what you were expecting. That can certainly be a bummer. Teachers often find themselves on their own when it comes to getting supplies and effective resources beyond the district-provided curriculums that don’t quite cut it. So, it’s imperative that they get it right the first time. Imagine the level of difficulty.
I can certainly understand the frustration because I’ve been there. It’s what prompted me to create my own. And now, as a teacher-creator, my job is to make your life easier by ensuring that the resources you purchase are worthwhile. The best way to combat this issue is to ensure resources clearly show their value before you ever hit the submit button.
The thing about our signature reading curriculum, Rooted in Reading , is we make it a point to over deliver. There is something for everyone. Every classroom, every student, every teacher! Sometimes, that means you’ll have to do a little research to decide which version will work for you.

I have had countless teachers reach out to me looking for answers on which grade level of Rooted in Reading would fit their classrooms best. It has always been a tricky question to answer because it can vary so greatly based on the levels and needs of the students. While I’ve always tried to answer in the best way I can, there simply isn’t a substitute for getting hands-on with a resource to see what it feels like to use it with your students.
So, we wanted to make the research easier for you…
Introducing Rooted in Reading Samples!
That’s exactly why Katie and I decided it was time to give teachers everything you need to make a decision on whether Rooted in Reading is right for you (p.s., it is!) and which grade level fits within the dynamics of your classroom community. So, we pulled a FULL week of reading lesson plans from each grade level for you to download for FREE and use immediately!

If you’re not sure what Rooted in Reading is all about, here’s a little bit more about our signature reading curriculum.
Rooted in Reading: Reading Lesson Plans

Rooted in Reading is a curriculum that was created to enhance the Language Arts instruction in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classrooms. Teachers read purposefully-selected picture books to their students each week. Students are actively engaged in listening to and discussing each text throughout the read-aloud. Before, during, and after the read-aloud, teachers guide book conversations through thought-provoking discussion questions. With Rooted in Reading, the learning process continues by targeting specific skills and standards as students interact with this text all week. Activities for each text have been designed to assure students are actively thinking, making connections, and responding to the text in a meaningful way. This curriculum focuses on deepening comprehension, developing and expanding vocabulary, and integrating language skills with the use of a mentor text.
Try Sample Weeks of Rooted in Reading
Below you will find a way to gain access to a FULL week of Rooted in Reading for EACH grade level resource. We have selected a week from each grade level so that you can know what to expect when using Rooted in Reading. If your school administration would like to preview Rooted in Reading, please feel free to share the sample weeks with them! You will also find our Rooted in Reading Research document inside, in case you need more information.
Each week is based on a carefully and intentionally chosen book that is read-aloud throughout the week. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to these texts, I created QR code book links that connect to quality video read-alouds online. You can find those HERE!
Sample Week of Kindergarten Rooted in Reading
The Kinder reading lesson plans are a companion activities for the book When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree. Your kindergarten students will learn about characters in a book, how to make lemonade, and verbs.

All you have to do is sign up below to gain immediate access to the sample week!
Sample Week of 1st Grade Rooted in Reading
Your 1st Grade students will learn about retelling a story, African animals, and nouns with a full set of reading activities for the book Honey… Honey…Lion!

All you have to do is sign up below to gain immediate access to the sample week!
Sample Week of 2nd Grade Rooted in Reading – 2nd Edition
Have you seen our BRAND NEW 2nd Grade Rooted in Reading? If you were on the fence about using our 2nd edition of 2nd grade, download this week of activities for the book The Doctor With an Eye for Eyes! Your students will learn about asking and answering questions, the functions of the eye, and nouns & verbs.

All you have to do is sign up below to gain immediate access to the sample week!
Sample Week of 2nd Grade Rooted in Reading – 1st Edition
We released our 1st edition of 2nd Grade Rooted in Reading in 2015. It was our first! While we are currently adding a 2nd edition, the first edition is still a great option for our Rooted in Reading teachers!
In this 2nd grade week of reading lesson plans, your students will learn about Making Connections, the Appalachian Mountains, and nouns. Throughout the week, you’ll be following along to the book When I was Young in the Mountains.

All you have to do is sign up below to gain immediate access to the sample week!
Sample Week of 3rd Grade Rooted in Reading
Grab a week of reading lesson plans for your 3rd grade classroom featuring activities for the book The Raft. Your students will learn about how characters change, woodland animals, and pronouns.

All you have to do is sign up below to gain immediate access to the sample week!
Let me know how these work out for you! You can find all of the Rooted in Reading units in my TPT shop right HERE.
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