Teachers, I have something that I think you are REALLY going to love. My sister–in-law, Olivia, and I created another activity for your students where you get to mix HOLIDAY FUN with solving WORD PROBLEMS.
Here’s how SOLVE TO CREATE A GINGERBREAD FRIEND works: Students get into groups of 6. Each group starts at a different word problem. The group works together to solve the word problem. These can be put into Task Folder Envelopes, but that isn’t necessary at all!
When the groups get to a task, they read the word problem as a group. The word problems come in strips (that can be glued into a spiral for solving) and one-to-a page for groups to read together. Each word problem solved allows them to gain a piece of their gingerbread friend. So, if they solve task 1 correctly they will receive the body. If they solve task 2 correctly they will get the eyes.
The teacher can keep all of the gingerbread friend pieces at his/her table so that the students have to be checked before receiving a piece. OR the pieces can go with that word problem right in the folder. That totally depends on your style and student needs!
The great thing about this is we created word problems for these skills:
- Addition within 10
- Addition and Subtraction within 20
- 2 and 3 Digit Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping
- Multiplication and Division
We wanted as many teachers to be able to use this as possible!
And in order for that to happen, we also created an editable set of word problems. This way ANY teacher of ANY grade level can type in word problems to fit ANY skill! That way you can use this no matter what!
Another great thing about this is it can be super easy to prep. All you need is a set of word problems, the gingerbread friend pieces, and a recording sheet. Click HERE to see more about this activity.
Don’t want to forget this lesson? Pin the image below to come back to later!