Man, teaching is hard work, y’all! After a full week off last week, I am completely exhausted! If I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until Monday I’d be perfectly okay with it!
Well, we have been super busy in the classroom this week trying to conquer letter writing and addition with regrouping. It was crucial that we finished our Santa letters because they are published in our local newspapers. So, that’s always something that I do RIGHT after Thanksgiving. Plus, it helps to have something festive hanging up! And, after all the work… those suckers need to be hanging up for the next few weeks!
Before we wrote our letters, we used one of my freebie pre-writing activities that you can find here!
We’ve also been using Erica’s Letter Writing Unit!! It’s full of wonderful activities!
Up next… more addition with regrouping fun! We’ve been playing some games from my I Can Regroup Unit! And, they have been a HUGE hit with the kiddos!
Made our Addition Pocket Books that you can find HERE! In this activity the students solve problems WITH and withOUT regrouping, then sort into the correct pocket.
Look at them carrying into their tens place. That makes this teacher happy. happy. happy.
More games! We used spinners to solve addition with regrouping problems…
And, we used the templates from my Addition with Regrouping Unit to set up an ice cream shop! My students had to decide what they wanted to purchase, and their total before they could come get the paper and patterns from me. We did modify it a little so that we could make them Christmas colors 🙂

9 Responses
The angry Santa is too funny!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I purchased your regrouping unit last year. It sure helped me teach regrouping. Thank you for such an awesome product!
The Hive
Love your Santas!
First Grade Blue SKies
Your Santa's and outfits are so cute! Thank you for the shout out. I am glad you like the unit.
The regrouping packet & file folder are so genius. The outfits, well, super cute for winter, I've gotta go shopping!
Amy Howbert
Little Miss Organized
[email protected]
Thanks for the info about letter writing and regrouping! Something all of our kiddos need to practice.
What i have learned
I have these units and they are fabulous! My kids love them and think they are playing a game, not doing math. I give them a calculator to check their work. Thanks!
Hi Amy,
I love your Santa's and letters. How fun for the kids. You have been busy…hang on the next few weeks will be very busy. But of course a lot of fun too. Also I love the outfits but you already know cuz I like them on instagram. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
Okay, so where DO you find all of your cute clothes!?? I must know. 🙂 Where is your favorite place to shop? Either I'm not seeing these things out in stores or I need to be a bit more creative! 🙂
Love your recent products! I've downloaded a few freebies and have some others on my TpT wishlist. Thanks for all that you do for teachers! You are an inspiration!
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings