I’m in my last week of freedom, y’all. I’m trying my hardest to stay away from the classroom because I know I will be there all day every day for the next 10 months, but there’s just always something to do!! I’ve been focusing my time on getting tables/desks set up so that my kiddos have somewhere to sit when they arrive on August 24th 🙂 You can read more about my table rewards HERE.
To hang above each table I ordered THESE lanterns from School Girl Style and THESE tassels. I rigged up the tassels so that they would spill over the top. I must say they look pretty stinkin’ cute hanging up in my room! {I realize some of you can’t hang things from your ceiling… so sorry!}
I also brought home my table caddies from Really Good Stuff {HERE} to give them quite a bath. We used lots of water, dish soap, and Magic Erasers. They aren’t perfect, but they are much better than before! I have heard some people run theirs through the dishwasher, but I’ve also heard that doesn’t get the crayon marks off… so I haven’t tried it yet!
After they received a nice cleanin’ I added some tulle and ribbon that I bought at Wal Mart. I 100% realize that this will not last all year. But, they sure will be cute for the first week or so 🙂 I printed out a fresh set of Labels and taped them down with packing tape. I tape over the sign and around the bucket so that it sticks for the longest amount of time possible :))
You can find my table caddy numbers HERE. I so wish I could make them editable or with different table numbers/colors, but with school quickly approaching, I just don’t have the extra time! So sorry!

8 Responses
Your lanterns with tassels are ADORABLE!!! Thank you for sharing the table supply bucket numbers!! Those will come in handy!
I discovered that the Dollar Tree sells these “magic erasers” but a generic brand. They work just as well and are….yep, $1.
Thank you for the super cute supply labels! 🙂 It's such a pain getting off the crayon marks on containers.
Ms. Pretzel's 2nd Grade Bugs
Love the lanterns! I've got colored ones I bought last year after searching for some at a decent price and get oodles of compliments on them.
Also love the bucket table labels! I'm going to use them for incentive point system for my kiddos…thanks so much for sharing!
please oh please could you make a table 5 and 6…. would love to use these in my classroom this year. LOVE THEM.
THANK YOU for being so willing to share your love of teaching and second grade with fellow bloggers. PLEASE when you get time would you make tables 6 through 8 for those of us that have 31-32 students. YES last year I had 31 second graders with 9 IEP's. Reading your blog has refueled and renewed me this summer- THANK YOU!!
Hey! I’m trying to find the link for your table numbers on here but it’s saying that the site/file doesn’t exist. Any chance that I could still get it from you?
I ‘m trying to find the link for the table numbers but I get a message that the file doesn’t exist. I have used these in the past but I need to replace them. Unfortunately my computer crashed this summer and I no longer have the file. I would also like to have the numbers 5 and 6. I made my own similar copy last year and would love to have matching copies. Is there any chance to get a new copy of the file from you? Thanks