Last week when we were learning about place value, a question about even/odd came up, and probably only 2 of my students could answer it! So, my team decided that we were in desperate need of an even/odd review today! Last year when we were learning about number lines, my class made a number line and identified even/odd on a sentence strip. Well, I decided to simplify that lesson and only use it with even/odd for the moment!
So, today we made our number line to 12 and traced the even/odds to match our class number line. Then, they used this as a resource for our other activities.
We played a game with Even Steven/Odd Todd that you can pick up for FREE at First Grade a la Carte! My kids LOVED it! Give them a dice and game board, and they are happy campers!
Then, we did a quick Even/Odd sort in our Math spirals. First, I had them color their numbers, then cut/glue into the correct column. Really easy way to take a grade!
{On a side note… I use Math spirals for a lot of sorting and graded work. Utilizing spirals has really cut down on my paper usage, and it keeps all of our activities in one place. At the end of the year, they are full to the brim!}
{On ANOTHER side note, ha! I don’t let me kids use markers this early in the year. Call me mean, but if we use them this early on, then we will have NONE left when June rolls around! So, we just use them for tracing special projects 🙂 I hardly ever let my students just color with markers.}

And, I made another activity that can be used as a classroom assignment or for station work.
You can grab those 2 activities above for FREE {HERE}!

25 Responses
We need all the help we can get with even in odd. LOL!
Thanks for sharing.
Miss Nelson’s Got the Camera!
Thanks SO much….odd and even is always a tricky concept !!
Thank you so much for the freebies—-we are doing odd and even next week and I was just about to look for a few things 🙂
This is exactly what we are working right now and it is tricky! The game looks like awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Apples and Papers
Incredible. There's so much packed into this post. Thanks1
Even some of my third graders have trouble with this concepts. Great ideas!
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
Love the ideas! Have you ever heard of the Even/Odd poem/song….It goes something like “There was a farmer who had a cow, and Even was her name-o 0,2,4,6,8 0,2,4,6,8 0,2,4,6,8 and Even was her name-o.”
Then is does a pig with odd numbers. I use that as a jump start into odd and even, b/c we can sing it and then use it as a tool as well–we draw a cow and pig and write the numbers on their bellies. If you haven't seen it, I can share it with you 🙂
Thanks for all your awesome ideas!
Thank you Amy! I always get so excited to check your posts.. our curriculum lines up perfectly! Later this week I am teaching odd and even and can't wait to try some of these awesome activities!
I just started even and odd numbers with my firsties yesterday! We made the houses and placed them on “Even and Odd Street”, which I think I saw on Cara's blog. Thanks for your freebies! Can't WAIT to use them!
Amy, thank you for sharing, this is a concept I wanted to revisit with my kiddos just before we break for hols.
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
Holy cow this is great. I've been trying to figure out a quick but fun way for my kids to review even and odd and my kiddos are in 3rd grade! Love following your blog! Keep up the awesome work.
Aww man – now the “Even or Odd” song from Math Fact Pack is stuck in my head again.
“Even or odd/odd or even there are 2 kinds of numbers in the wo-orld…”
Thank you for sharing!! I am realizing that we need to do some lessons on even/odd here soon! Many of kids do not know the difference 🙂 Love the number sort!
These activities look like great fun! Thanks for sharing them!
Creative Lesson Cafe
Thanks for all of the great ideas for teaching even/odd!! 🙂 Love 'em!
Thanks for the ideas! This is my first year teaching 2nd, and as silly as it sounds, teaching these simple, basic concepts has been hard for me! I have trouble breaking things down enough for these little ones. I can't wait to try this stuff out!
Love this! I just made two posters to help my sweet firsties remember even and odd numbers! The best part is they are songs! I would love for you to check them out!!
Thank you so much for this freebie activity. I have been sorting my files and organizing independent work for students. I realized I was low on odd/even material. This activity will be a great tool for my kiddos. I like the sentence strip idea as well. Thank you again.
Where Seconds Count
I suppose I've selected an unbelievable and interesting blog.
Free Samples
Hey Amy…I'm so glad that your studetns enjoyed the game!
First Grade a la Carte
Thanks for all the great ideas! I really liked the Even Steven and Odd Todd game but I wasn't able to download it. It came up as an error 🙁
WOW, Amy, thank you for the great activities and ideas to teach (reteach) odd and even. I'm moving up from kindergarten and REALLY appreciate the free activities! Thank you so much!!
Thank you for the freebie!!
Thank you!