This is my 6th year in my classroom. I can hardly believe after my first few years of teaching that I actually have stayed put for that long! It seems like I moved every single year for 4 years… because, well, I pretty much did, ha! The one time I moved right next door just about did me in. Was it really necessary to pack up a whole classroom to walk five steps???? Anyways, here’s my little home away from home!
This little reading area is always a classroom favorite.
Math manipulatives and teacher resource bins
Lockers, Math Station Cart, and Reading Area #2… which I’m realizing wasn’t picked up before taking pictures, ha! And, my clock needed a battery so I took it off the wall. That was the only way I could remember to actually send a friend to the office for a battery, ha!
Here is my Spanish word wall and Spanish alphabet… along with the rest of my book bins. 42 book bins (because of my two classes) take up a lot of space!!!
Another view of my locker area. Do you see our pet snake?? This is the girl’s class pet. My homeroom named her Lizzie and the other class named her Sparkle. She watches over the students and chooses a girl to sit with each day :). That blue basket from Hobby Lobby is where my students put their take home folders in the morning. It’s sitting on top of our math station cart for now. The pirate activity came from Babbling Abby HERE!
Here is the front of my room where we gather for stories and whole group lessons. We also use this as Reading Spot #3!
Number Word Pennants, Number Line, Subject Labels, Chair is from Kroger, Pillows and Rug from Big Lots
To the side of my room you’ll find my English alphabet and English word wall directly above my main classroom library.
I keep class pictures on my back cabinets. I still have pictures up from last year… hopefully I’ll be able to change those out soon! We also use this space to file papers, get markers, place unsharpened pencils, and keep up with our AR points.
Sometimes your classroom is the perfect place to keep high school keepsakes like your cheerleading megaphones, ha!
This big jumbled mess is my teacher area and small group table. I still have a lot of organizing to do, but I need to recover from the first week!
Here’s the view from my area. You may be able to see the boys’ pet snake over near the tree. My homeroom named him Hornhead and the other class named him Lightning. He doesn’t have sparkles and thinks that girls have cooties. The boys think he is ridiculously cool!
I get a lot of questions about table caddies. For now I keep crayons, pencils, and erasers in my table caddies. Now that I have Seat Sacks I can keep all of our white board materials in those. After years of students using scissors incorrectly and not closing glue lids, I decided to hoard those at my teacher table instead of keep them at the student tables. I keep a bucket of scissors and a bucket of glue near my table so that my students can get those when needed. It actually works really well and our glue is no longer disappearing in a matter of seconds!! I will eventually add highlighters, sticky notes, and a few other items to their table caddies, but they will have to be earned!!

8 Responses
Looks good! Your so lucky to be able to hang to stuff on walls and etc… I like that students' work is up. I know my kiddos are always proud when their work is displayed.
Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie
Your room is gorgeous!!!! Your students are lucky. 🙂
Your room is just TOO perfect!!!! I love it!
Love to see all these ideas! My absolute fave are your math tubs 🙂 Jen
Oh my goodness GIRL I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bright colors and pattern filled room! I also am considering finding out how to move my clock so I can put that same quote above my door haha 🙂 🙂 LOVE your space xoxo
Bright and beautiful! What a warm and colorful place for you and your kiddos. Thanks for sharing all the details. 🙂
Love, Love, Love!!
How do you use the snakes?
Thank you for sharing your wonderful activities, materials, and teaching strategies!