Before I get started showing you my classroom, I must warn you that I really have not changed it up all that much since last year. I’ve tweaked a few things here and there, but it’s basically the same room. It worked for me last year, so I didn’t feel like recreating the wheel this summer! Also, I don’t really have a theme going on anymore. I used to do ladybugs with polka dots, but am starting to phase that out. I do realize that it’s very random and it pretty much looks like I threw up skittles everywhere, ha!
When you walk into my classroom, this is what you will see. The 2 blank alphabets are for my Spanish and English alphabet posters that my students will create the first week of school. Also, if you’ll notice I do NOT have a Promethean Board. I live in Sadsville because of this!
I did redo all of my word wall headers using my Cameo! This seriously took no time at all and I love the look!
This wall is for my English alphabet, English word wall, and English spelling words. The vowel glue bottles came from the teacher wife!
Here’s a close up of my teacher/small group area. All of my teacher supplies are stored in the cubbies behind my kidney table. I moved my easel behind this area so that I could use it for small group time. The large strip of zebra paper is pretty random, but I will most likely put student work up there when the kiddos come 🙂
Here’s a close up of my math board. I get several questions about calendar time, and I’m going to be very honest here. I don’t teach calendar time in 2nd grade. Having 2 classes makes me very short on time, and we just literally don’t have any extra moment to give away! The Key Word posters came from the teacher wife! You can find the skip counting cards {here}
Remember I said that I used to have a ladybug thing going on, well it’s still pretty dominant in this part of the room. My students will formulate our classroom promise next week, and we will add lots to these cabinets then!
When you are standing at the back of the room, this is what you will see. There’s our meeting area, Spanish word wall, Spanish alphabet, and a lot more stuff, ha!
I display my number line low so that my kids can utilize it, and boy do they ever!
This year I am trying something a little new to keep track of our AR points. I got this idea from the teacher wife {are you getting the gist here- I really just wish Lindsey would come decorate my room and teach for me, ha!}. Each student will have their own chain, each time they pass a test they will add a bead to their necklace. This will keep me from having to micromanage AR points! Of course, I will check up on them every once in a while to make sure they are following the rules! Still need to add their names to these and a little decor 🙂
Here’s where I will post our weekly focus objectives and below is our class job chart. You can find job cards {HERE}
I also redid my Spanish word wall headers with my Cameo!
Here’s what I see from my teacher area 🙂 Although you can’t see them well, my locker name tags come from Hope’s Welcome Back Pack. The tall cabinet houses my center materials, and my center chart is underneath the clock. Once I get all that figured out, I will do a post dedicated to my center set-up!
My new tree, which I really do LOVE! It’s surrounded by Hope’s inspirational posters!!
You can find my book bin labels {HERE} but just a word in advance, I’m not adding any more to what’s already there, ha! I’m getting a little lazy in my old age of 27 😉
Right next to my library I put Cara’s number words. I also used my Cameo to make my title.
Outside of my room I have incorporated our school-wide sports’ theme a little more. I redid my sign at the top of my door using my Cameo!
And, I used some old decor to put my bulletin board together!
And that’s my room! I have some finishing touches to add in the next few days before school starts on the 27th, but for the most part it is put together! My motto this year is “Simplify and De-clutter” which pretty much means I’ve thrown TONS and TONS of junk away! If I haven’t touched it in the past 2 years, it’s going to the dumpster!

17 Responses
What a fun room! Love that you added a sign above your door! I will be placing my number line on a low board too!!
The Split Grade Escapade
What a beautiful room! I do have a question, some schools have limits due to fire codes about how much of your walls you are allowed to post stuff up on, how do you choose what you are going to keep and what not to keep? What things are most important to you?
Your classroom looks awesome!! But now I am stressed out… I need to get my room ready, stat!!
Looks great Amy!
SUPERB! I'd love to join your 2nd Graders 🙂
SMILES and stop by anytime!
I love your word wall! I broke down and bought a Cameo, so I'm excited to see what I come up with!
Your room looks wonderful, Amy! Thanks for sharing the great pictures 🙂
Learning Adventures with Mrs. Gerlach
Wow, Amy! Everything is so bright, colourful and well-thought out!
Everybody seems to be raving about Cameos lately. I know they're expensive to buy… but when you have one, do the materials (to cut) cost a lot? I know it's all dependent on how much you use it and what you're using it for. Can any Cameo users out there shed some light on this?
Your room looks great!!! So cheery and welcoming!
[email protected]
Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks
Your room looks terrific!
First Grade Blue SKies
I love your room…I like a theme but I like that it is bright and colourful without being rigid to a theme. Very cheerful and kid friendly :
what a lovely and inviting room. Your kids are going to love it there. I can't wait to get my job back so I can use your ideas again!!!
Your room looks amazing. I love the tree and of course the chevron prints.
The Hive
Super cute classroom Amy! I love it. Seeing other teachers' classrooms is one of my favorite things. Your little girl's room looks adorable too!
Tangled with Teaching
Hi! Love your book labels! But the to to them is just taking me back to ghost page. Could you help me find them?
Thank you!!