Today was all about introducing time. We started with a large hula hoop clock. I used Velcro dots so that the numbers can be easily put on and taken off. I passed out the clock numbers and had students silently arrange the hours on a clock. They had to work cooperatively without talking.
Then we used yarn to divide the clock into quarters. We also discussed time vocabulary such as quarter past, half past, quarter to, and o’clock.
We took turns making times, counting around the clock, and reading the times.
Then it was time for the students to practice. We used laminated clocks and Expo markers to divide our clocks into quarters. We labeled our clocks and used play-dough to make the hour and minute hands. We made several times and used our terms to read the times on the clock.
The play-dough helped everyone stay engaged 🙂
As they were working with a partner to create times, I put the hula hoop clock on the board so that they could see the visual.
After practicing we played a quick game in partners. Students rolled the dice to find their hour and used the cards to tell the minutes. The cards were actually supposed to be a mat to be used as a spinner, but I totally forgot and cut them apart! We made it work though 🙂
We regrouped and discussed each type of time that was worked on. We used this chart to display as a reminder.
To show mastery of the skill, students completed an interactive notebook entry. They wrote the time to match the analog clock and sorted underneath the correct flap.
People ask all the time how I check interactive notebooks or give grades. Since there normally aren’t just a ton of problems, it is so easy and quick to check them on the spot. I have students bring me their spirals, I check off on them, and go from there!
All of these activities are from our 2nd Grade Magic of Math Unit 7. You can find that HERE!
One last thing… I made up this super simple time chant. Please excuse everything about what’s going on in it… the background, how we look, etc, ha! I didn’t have a chance to record it today so Joelle and I did it after we had been playing outside for several hours! It’s definitely an introductory chant because it doesn’t go very deep 🙂

4 Responses
Love the chant, thanks for sharing!
Do you have the number cards available as a download?
Do you have posts on the other days of this unit implemented? I have the unit and we’ve done day 1, but I really leaned on this post to help me get it prepped! 🙂 Just hoping!
I do not, so sorry!