Shapin’ Up!

Hey, y’all!  I should technically be at the school getting things ready for Open House and our 2nd Grade Program… BUT, it got postponed due to wintry weather.  I can’t even tell you how ready I am for summer.  Bring on the 100+ temps, Texas!  So, since I’m stuck at home (in my sweats, wrapped in a warm blanket… not so bad, right?!) I thought I’d pop in to show you what we’ve been up to.
{Side note- for some reason my pictures are AWFUL, so sorry!!!}
We read The Greedy Triangle– such a cute book!  Afterwards, we made our own shapes.  Normally I use the templates from my Shapin’ Up unit, but this year I decided to do a little free-hand action.  And, I’m lovin’ how they turned out with their own little personalities.  One of my kiddos even made twins 🙂
To go with their shape, my students did a little writing to describe the shape’s attributes.
I introduced the vocabulary word- Quadrilaterals- to my class on Friday.  We made lots of quadrilaterals with popsicle sticks.  Then, each student chose 2 quadrilaterals to create and describe.  One of my classes used pom-poms for the corners and the other used foam shapes.  We just used what we had around the room!!
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Today we learned all about symmetry with one of my favorite activities.  We do this EVERY year, and it’s always a hit!!  I wish you could see how some of them turned out :))
 In other news, we also made our contraction caterpillars last week.  I wanted to incorporate writing, so we also learned about using quotation marks.  That’s most definitely a tough skill to teach and get down!  And, I’m pretty sure they have been including quotation marks here and there every time we write now, ha!
Alright, well I’m off to stay warm and relax… quite different from the original plans of Open House!  But, I’ll take any extra down time that I can get 🙂

Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


Sample a day of Rooted in Reading with these lesson plans and activities for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar!

11 Responses

  1. Hi! Your symmetry activity is awesome, Amy! Enjoy your time at home in this crazy weather! (I just got home from my own second grade classroom, and the weatherman stated that our town has the second- most snowfall of anywhere in the country this winter so far, 94.4 inches! I just thought i'd give you a laugh! I am SO ready for summer!)

  2. Amy I just wanted to say thanks for blogging! I look forward to reading your posts and I use so many of your awesome ideas! You have inspired me to start a blog as well. Thanks for all that you do. 🙂