When it comes time for our Penguin Unit in the classroom, I get all kinds of giddy. Students LOVE researching and learning about the different types of penguins. You can read more about how I’ve incorporated penguins HERE, HERE, and HERE! This year I knew that I wanted to do something math related with penguins… so The Shape Penguin was born!
Students create their penguin and describe the characteristics of the shapes used!

One of the great things about social media is I get to see how classrooms around the world are using some of our creations! Look at Valerie Zielinski’s class on Twitter! Her door is so precious with these shape penguins!
I find it is easier for students to describe their shapes if they do so before putting their penguin together. That way they can count all of the sides and vertices while the whole shape can be seen.
It sure does make for a cute math display during these wintry months!
If you don’t have the time or resources to create the penguins from colored paper, that’s okay! Students can still describe the shapes as they are coloring their penguin outline!
Want to find out more about the Shape Penguin? Click HERE or on the picture below!