This blog post makes me ALL KINDS of EXCITED!!! Katie and I have created a Sample Day of Rooted in Reading for you! AND, I got to use it with a very sweet 2nd grade class! First of all, if you haven’t read WANTED! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar… you must! It is a wonderful book about a rabbit who loves to read! If you don’t have the book, it’s okay! Several of the activities in our FREEBIE can be used with any book!
After we read the story together, we retold the story using this PLOT chart.
After our classroom discussion and anchor chart, we made Ralfy Rabbit with these BME flap-ups. Students retold the story using their flaps.
Ohmiword, so precious! They just ATE UP the story! AND, their rabbits turned out so cute!
You can check out this activity by clicking HERE. The great thing is these BME flaps can be used with any story 🙂
But that’s not all! In our Sample Day we’ve included comprehension plans, vocabulary activities, and a grammar review. Click HERE to check it out!
Here’s a little video to showcase what is in this post!
We hope you enjoy our Sample Day! Pin the image below to save this lesson for later!
21 Responses
Are you going to create rooted in reading for first?
We will announce our next grade level in the spring 🙂
How much time is allotted for each of those activities?
Depending on how much you do 60-90 minutes
How long is your reading block that you can accomplish all these wonderful things? I feel like my shared reading block is only 30 minutes, and my reading workshop block is 60 minutes, but only includes a 10-15 minute mini lesson. I am just struggling how to implement this. I think this is a wonderful, but timing is an issue.
I have always had 60 minutes for all of ELA, I just pick and choose the activities that I want to get to and do those 🙂
On your image with A sample day with rooted in reading you have a little blue question/reading task cards on a ring. Where can I find that document? I am curious to see what the other tasks guides the students to discuss.
That is a part of our Rooted in Reading series. We make book questions to go along with all of our read-alouds:
I’m fairly new to the rooted in reading series, but have loved everything I’ve seen and tried. I was wondering if your district has a reading curriculum, and if so, do you use it or just strictly the rooted in reading books? Thanks so much!
I use Rooted in Reading as my main curriculum 🙂
I love Rooted in Reading. My teaching partner and I have been using it all year, but we are struggling with holding students accountable for doing their best work in their interactive notebooks. Do you have any suggestions?
I always have students bring me their spirals to look at. I use smelly markers and give check marks, smiley faces, or grades using those when they have done their best work!
Do you have multiple copies or just one copy of the featured book in your classroom?
Just one copy for the read aloud.
Is there somewhere, like a YouTube video, where I can see a day being taught. I’m just interested in the flow and transitions. Thank you
What is the best way to store the RIR materials? Binders? That would be a lot of binders, but I’m searching for the best approach to keep it organized. The material is fabulous. THANK YOU!!
Hi, Amy!
I just switched from first back to third this year. I found your Rooted in Reading product and I am totally HOOKED! I purchased the September unit and I’ll be starting it then. But, I have a question. What do you for Tier 2 instruction? I have some struggling readers in my classroom and I’d like to pull small groups back while other groups are working on the different activities (kind of a Daily 5 style). What portions do you recommend using from your units? I was thinking that the fiction/non-fiction reading passages could be used for fluency and comprehension for a day or two. Do you have any other ideas or recommendations? Do you pull small groups back?
Thank you so much for your time. I am going to recommend your units to all my primary friends! They’re amazing!!!
All the best,
Beth 🙂
I think the directed drawings/writing could be put in a writing center, grammar could be put in words, and you could definitely use the passages, vocabulary, and nonfiction reader during small group.
We also suggest using guided reading books on the students’ levels during guided reading time (not related to RiR)
When, during your reading block, are students reading books at their level?
This is exactly what I have been looking for! I’m curious, however, what you use for spelling?
I have a Spotless Spelling unit that I use