When I started to plan my reading instruction for this week, I knew I wanted to do something different and new. I love studying spiders to pieces, but after a large unit like that, I wanted to do something a little more independent and reflective. I knew I wanted my students to work in their reading groups to make and confirm predictions and study the Author’s Purpose. But, how was I going to keep track of what they were working on during reading groups?
That’s when I thought of Reading Flap-Ups! Horrible name, I know! But, I am about out of creative juices. I made these 5 flap-ups for us to use this week. My students were a tad excited about the neon paper… it’s the little things, ha!
My students cut out their flaps, folded, and glued onto a strip of black paper.
Then, they got busy in their reading groups. I had already modeled making/confirming predictions, but it’s definitely something we will work on all this week. Today, my students made their predictions…
And recorded new/interesting words. They were told to only worry about those two flaps because we will get to the other flaps throughout this week! Worked like a charm!
They worked in their little groups all over the room… started with a picture walk, recorded their predictions, and then began to read after discussing. As they read new/interesting words, they would pause to write those down… then read some more 🙂
Well, after it was such a huge hit, I started to think of more uses for these little flap-ups. They could easily be glued into an interactive notebook…
Or even for a comprehension check after a read-aloud.
They are a great way to practice the focus skill and are very versatile! So, I made about 30 different flap-ups and put them together. You can find all of these plus more HERE!
I won’t use these every week, but I can definitely see them coming in handy throughout the entire year! And, I’m certain they could even be made into a craftivity… of course my brain thinks like that :))
9 Responses
These are awesomely simple and powerful for responding to reading! They immediately went into my cart for the next TpT sale….Great job, Amy! Love the part about working them into a creativity…I have plans, too:)
Love! This!
Great idea! I can think of so many ways to use these flaps. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome idea and so much more fun for the kids than filling all that out on a worksheet!
These are awesome! My students would have loved these! Oh, and I like the name, too! 😉
These are great! Can I ask what font the black bubble with the letters is? I LOVE the font! Thanks
Love this idea! Can you add making connections to the pack?
Absolutely love this!!! I yes, I would get excited about the neon paper too! 🙂
Wow! These are awesome! Thanks for sharing! Something so simple, yet amazing! I think your noncreative mind is actually still pretty creative!! 😉
Thrills in Third Grade