Have you ever printed off a gazillion copies only to look up and see that the dotted line is missing??? It used to happen to me ALL THE TIME. No need to draw in those pesky cutting lines anymore! It’s really very simple and will save you tons of time…
When you go to print, you need to change your settings. It may be under advanced, options, or something similar to that…
Make sure the box “print as image” is checked! And that’s it! It should save for future prints, but you may want to try that out before you take my word. I have also used this trick from a PC even though I use a Mac at home 🙂
Just in case you need more of a visual, here is a quick video for you!

2 Responses
Thanks! I just had this problem today and did not know how to solve it!
Thanks for this post I get so frustrated when this happened and it makes the paper look goofy. Thanks a million for this!!!