Today, we worked on a poetry frame from a Scholastic download that I bought a couple of years ago. Gotta love their dollar deals! My kiddos finished sentence starters about an imaginary animal, then published it onto a different sheet of paper. After they wrote their poem, they had to draw their animal to match how they described it in their poem. I love how some of them turned out!
In math we’ve been wrapping up multiplication. We made this super simple, not-so-cute, flap book to recall the different multiplication strategies we have learned.
Then, they glued it into their math journals for reference.
And that’s pretty much how our day went! I’m so looking forward to the weekend… summer is soooo close 🙂

8 Responses
Very cute Amy!!
First Grade Blue SKies
I like the title of the bulletin board 'Priceless Poetry.' Those multiplication flip books look like a great visual and tool for kids. Yay for the weekend just around the corner!!!
Sprinkle Teaching Magic
Those sharks are awesome! And love your flip book!!
Kerri b
I love your multiplication strategies idea! We learned about turtles last week and I used your turtle craftivity! come check it out if you have a chance:)
Mrs. Sheehan
Officially became your latest follower using Google friend (even though I have been following you using Reader).
Come and check out my Dr. Jean giveaway!
My Second Sense
LOVE the sharks! I've used several of your ideas lately. Yesterday one of my students said, “ANOTHER Amy Lemons?!” after noticing your name (yet again) on the shark printable. Too cute!
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