At the end of the year our 2nd graders review place value. It was absolutely perfect timing since Hope and I just finished the Magic of Math Unit One! I was able to pull different activities and whip up plans in no time! Since I don’t have a month of school left, I just chose different activities here and there for the students to complete these last two weeks of school.
On Tuesday we had our M’odd’ster Factory! This is an intro activity in our Place Value unit, but I knew the kids would be so excited to create these cuties, so I went ahead and put it in the plans!! AND Ohmiword, did they love it!!! They were all about creating their monsters and making them as unique as can be.
They got a kick out of spinning for their monster parts!
I took pictures of almost every single one because they were just so darn cute
After we completed our monster stats, I had them name their monsters and give them an age. With the age, they had to show it in expanded form, word form, and standard form on their monster.
This week our 2nd graders have been playing lots of place value games. This time of year it’s crucial to keep them involved and engaged during the day. It’s so easy to tune out and become a babysitter when school is about to end! Place Value Spin reviewed HTO charts, standard form, and expanded form. It also reviewed greater/less than because the person who spins the highest number gets to color for a chance to win!
Compare and Cover was a lot of fun!
Math spirals are getting close to being full, but they are still plugging away!!
These little octopi helped us review lots of place value concepts. I was pleasantly surprised with how much they have retained from our big place value unit in September!
They really loved this activity because I let them chose their number and their paper color #itsthelittlethings
My only rules were:
1. Choose a 3-digit number
2. None of the digits can be repeated in your number (so you can’t have 999)
Place Value Park is on the list for this week as well!
Don’t forget, you can grab a Place Value Freebie HERE. You can see a year overview for Magic of Math HERE. Click HERE for Unit One!

4 Responses
The Yearly Math Overview is not linked correctly?
Do you have a link available for the octopus project? Love it!
Do you have the octopus activity to purchase only?
So sorry, it is only available within the unit