We’ve been rockin’ and rollin’ with place value these past couple of weeks. Today our Place Value Pals made their grand debut in our classroom. My friends met these cool dudes and named them right away! Now we have them hanging around to reference throughout the year!
We’ve also been making numbers like crazy with our place value cards/blocks. As my students are building numbers at their desks I’m always doing this on the board. It helps display a visual for my students and allows them to check their numbers.
We also used our white boards to do a quick learning check. I displayed THESE place value cards on the projector while my kids wrote the number shown. We also used this time to talk about even/odd numbers and expanded form 🙂
During math stations my students are practicing their place value skills as well! This station comes from my Fall Math Station unit.
During small group time one of my groups completed these place value puzzles. Doing these things during stations or small groups allows me to only make one set of cards… definitely saves my paper, ink, and time!
Here’s a little example of how we talk about place value during class. We build a number, talk about the place value chart, expand it verbally, then expand it using our arms! Today we did our expanded form using the voices of a mouse, army man, papa bear, and valley girl (no offense to anyone who lives in California, ha! I was just trying to give an example!!)
AND, tomorrow is FRIDAY! PTL, Hallelujah, Amen! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

One Response
Hi, Amy. Could you share a little bit about your classroom management? Just looking for new ideas! Thanks! 🙂