Last year my sister, who is a 4th grade math teacher, and I created several sets of math stations for 4th grade teachers. When we were in the middle of making them I kept thinking that they would be great for any grade level. So, that’s what we did. We created the games in an editable version so that YOU can put in your own content! I want to show you the games and then offer you a free sample so that you can check it out! Also, in this blog post you can see that some games have typed numbers and some are hand-written. All games can be made either way. They all have editable templates that can be typed on.
Click HERE to check out all of these games for your classroom.
Turn Over and Solve
Turn Over and Solve can be played with any operation and any size of numbers. Students can add, subtract, multiply, divide. This can be done with whole numbers, decimals, or fractions. Students turn over two numbers and complete the operation of choice.

Math Tic-Tac-Toe
Students LOVE playing Tic-Tac-Toe, so why not bring that into the classroom with content tied to it?! Teachers are able to create this game with ANY type of math skill. It can be done with facts, equations, or even word problems. Students turn over a card, solve, and make a move on the Tic-Tac-Toe board.

Place Value Connect 4
Place Value Connect 4 is one of my favorite games. It can be played with any size of numbers. Students spin a number. They spin a place value. Students locate the digit in that place. So, if they spin a 457 and hundreds, they are locating the digit in the hundreds place which is 4. They locate that number on their game-board. Students have a Connect 4 game where they are trying to get as many four-in-a-rows as possible.

Roll the Dice and Solve
Roll the Dice and Solve is such a fun and fast way to review math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Students roll two dice. They find the sum of the two numbers rolled. Students locate the sum on the left hand side of the game-board. Then, they choose an equation to solve from that row. So, if they rolled a 2 and 3, they would go to the 5 and pick an equation to solve from there.

Math Puzzles
Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? These puzzles can be made with any operation. You could also do place value where students match the expanded form of a number to the standard form. Students solve math problems and create their puzzle by matching equations to their answers.

Refreshing Equations
Refreshing Equations can be played in many different ways. Students choose a number from an ice cube. They spin an operation. Students complete the math problem. Here I made it with plus and minus ten, but it can be done with basically any type of math equation!

Who is the Greatest?
This is a fun spin on the game of War. This game can be played with whole numbers, decimals, or fractions. You can play it by creating a number and comparing with your partner, OR you can add in an operation. Here you can see how students played this game by dealing out 2-digit addition problems. Then they compared their sums.

Pick a Stick, Solve, and Connect
Pick a Stick, Solve, and Connect is another fun puzzle for students to solve. Students create a train by matching math problems with their answers. Here you can see we did it with adding fractions, BUT it can be done with any type of number or operation!

Toss and Solve
Toss and Solve is one of my very favorite games. Students toss poms onto the target board to find the numbers they will be working with. They can add, subtract, multiply, or divide. You can even do this with a collection of coins where they add up the total value. Here students tossed two poms and estimated the sum.

Pop it! Solve it!
Pop it! Solve it! is another game that can be used in many different ways. Students select a number on the gum ball machine to “pop.” Then they spin a number or action on the spinner. Students complete the equation. We created this one with long division, but that’s just one example!

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