Since I shared my visual plans on Sunday, I wanted to pop in and show you how we’ve done with staying on track! First, I forgot to show you some of our sentence activities from last week.
We made our Superhero hats on Friday. You would have thought I gave them a cape and magical powers this year because they were a tad obsessed!
And here’s a picture showing how I forgot to proof the sentences. Oops!
We also made this little Pocket-Book from my Strengthen My Sentences unit.
We sorted asking and telling sentences into the pockets.
This week we are focusing on complete and incomplete sentences. I made these anchor charts, gave the kids sticky-notes with sentences on them, and had my students put their sticky note where it belonged. This got them up and moving which always helps our active little bodies!
Here’s our Incomplete chart…
And our Complete Sentences chart…
Then, my kiddos sorted sentences in their spirals. We had to talk a lot about the fact that just because sentences are short doesn’t mean they aren’t complete. We were very prone to putting the short sentences in the incomplete area!
In Math we have been comparing and ordering numbers. These activities are all in my Number Knowledge unit.
Before we ordered these numbers we did some whole group activities with them. I had my kiddos sort the numbers by even and odd on their tables, hold up the numbers that fit the characteristics I was calling out (1 in the tens place, 9 in the ones place, etc.), and then we played a little game of war. After looking at the numbers in several different ways they ordered the cards from least to greatest on a sentence strip.
We did the same thing a couple of days later with larger numbers. This time, we colored the numbers by even/odd before ordering.
Now, onto finishing up our Henry and Mudge unit! Our focus has been sequencing events and identifying the beginning, middle, and end.
We made our Mudge Sequencing Collars…
And Mudge’s BME book. So far, they’ve really gotten the hang of sequencing events from the story.
“Henry was sick and his dad and mom brung him stuff.” Gotta love the grammar 🙂 Apparently we need a new focus, ha!

9 Responses
You always have the greatest ideas!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Love these ideas! We started using the sentence unit in 1st grade. We are making our headbands next week.
I am so glad we are on the same page! However, my Mudge anchor chart was the most horrid dog I've ever seen!! Still workin on those things!
I'm using your strengthening sentences unit next week!
Saddle Up For 2nd Grade
I am purchasing the Henry and Mudge unit this weekend and I can't wait it use it! In your opinion is it best to read a HM book before starting the unit, or read it throughout the unit? How many days does it usually take you to read a HM book entirely? Thanks!!
I like your sentence pack. I added it to my wish list!
Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler TpT
I'm also in North Texas and woke up to this heavenly coolness this Saturday morning. Wasn't it wonderful??? Love your blog. It's one of my recommended blogs, but I only realized today that we are fellow North Texans!! I am getting new ipad minis this month, so I'd love to hear about the apps you use. I'm familiar with Spelling City, but clueless on what else works well with Daily 5. I'm a fan!
Hey Amy…first of all LOVE LOVE your blog! Your ideas you share tie in with some of my curriculum units so love that. I wanted to ask you about your lessons plans you share. I have a couple of questions:
1. Do you use a template on google docs that you fill in every week? If so could you share the template.
2. How do you import into euphoria? We use Forethought as well in my district. Do you import the google template? I love the simplicity of your plans as I also use Daily 5 math and reading like you do. I am an1:1 iPad classroom so I have tons of apps I use in the daily 5 math and reading stations.
I absolutely love your blog! Every time I search something on Pinterest and find an idea that seems great for my classroom, it ends up being a Mrs. Lemons post. Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas.