Anyone else out there having sinus/allergy issues?! I can barely breathe as I’m sitting here typing… this Texas weather is getting the best of me! All I’m sayin’ is it’s a good thing you can’t hear me talk because I’m sounding all kinds of raspy 🙂 Anyways…
I love to teach multiplication for several reasons…
1. 2nd graders think they are BIG kids so they stay focused!
2. We just have to teach the concept in 2nd grade
3. You can hear a pin drop in my classroom when they are multiplying and that NEVER happens!
We started the week off learning how to multiply by zero and one. I made these quick anchor charts so that the students could reference them throughout the week.
My kiddos also did a little note-taking in their math spirals about these 2 rules.
And, we used my Multiplication Freebie to sort some facts! Such a great introduction to these 2 rules!
Today we made this little flapbook from my Multiplication Situations Unit. I let my kiddos pick which facts they were going to include in their flap-book.
That activity and lots more can be found HERE!
Do y’all teach a Robert Munsch author study?! I seriously LOVE his books, especially at the end of the year when we are reviewing/having fun. Last year I made this little unit to use while teaching it, and that made my planning this year SO much easier!
Today we read Aaron’s Hair and did a little problem/solution:
Tomorrow, we will read Alligator Baby and do some summarizing!
And, if his books aren’t cute enough already, he has this AWESOME website where you can listen to HIM read the books. He’s SOOOOO much more entertaining to listen to than me. And, the timing is perfect since I am getting close to having no voice. I just show my kiddos the books as he reads along.. LOVE!
You can check out the activities above and more HERE!
I’m off to rest so that I can actually function tomorrow at work! Have a wonderful evening!

6 Responses
Always adorable!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Robert Munsch!!! I had no idea about that website! I can't wait to show my kids!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I had to leave work last Thursday because I actually lost my voice from a sinus infection. It was TERRIBLE!
Going to check out Munsch's website now. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you start feeling better!
Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
My kiddos love Munsch! Our faves are Paper Bag Princess and Stephanie's Ponytail.
I remember my 2nd graders feeling like big shots when we started multiplication. That just brought me back!
Sharing your units at Pinterest.
I swear by a homeopathic remedy for season allergies called allium cepa. It works for the stuff nose, watery eyes, etc.
Hope you feeling better,
The Classroom Creative
Love the pencil dispenser. What a thoughtful parent. I know this is your teacher blog, but I read this article and thought of you and your adoption journey.
Have a great Mother's day!