May Reading, Year Overview, and Questions Answered!

I’m popping in REAL QUICK to share that Rooted in Reading May is finished and on sale until April 11th at midnight!
 Also, I know a lot of you are looking to plan ahead for next year, so I put together a year overview that includes the book titles, comprehension skills, and grammar focus for each month.  We will be editing this document in the coming months to add both the standards for TEKS and Common Core.  You can click HERE to grab this document for free!
A few questions answered:
Q:  Will you be making any versions for other grade levels?
A:  As of right now, no.  I recommend Deanna Jump and Deedee Wills Guiding Readers for K and 1- they have two sets.
Q:  What do we do if we teach in June?
A:  We recommend using either August or September Rooted in Reading to finish out your year.  Both will be released by the end of May.  August will have some back to school things included, but it will be a lot like the other units as well.
Q:  When will August and September be posted?
August:  May 1st
September:  May 29th
Q:  What should we do if we go back at the end of August/beginning of September?
A:  We recommend just looking through the previews of the two units and the year overview to figure out which one will best meet your needs.  Or, you could get both units and choose which books/skills you would like to use and mesh the two together.
Q:  Will there be a bundle?
A:  I am not a growing bundle kind of person.  They just stress me out!  So, we may bundle when we are completely finished and all of the units are ready to go.  However, we will keep in mind the amount of money people spent on the individual units so that we don’t rip anyone off 🙂
Q:  How many copies of the books do I need? 
A:  We only use one copy of each book and use it as a read aloud.  The nonfiction readers can be copied for your students so that they are also reading along.  Many teachers we know have applied for Donor’s Choose projects to purchase all of the Rooted in Reading Books.  Other teachers we know have pled their case to their principals and begged for them to purchase the books!
Q:  Do you use this in addition to a basal?
A:  I have never used a basal to teach reading.  This is used as my main source of reading instruction.
Q:  What books do you use along with the main Rooted in Reading books?
A:  We will publish a list of supporting books this summer for those that are interested in reading books that would pair well with the ones we chose!
I think that is it!  Hope you have a great week!

Hi, I'm Amy

Hey, y’all! My name is Amy Lemons and I am passionate about providing students with both engaging and effective standards-based Math and ELA lessons.


Sample a day of Rooted in Reading with these lesson plans and activities for Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar!

3 Responses

  1. Amy, I have enjoyed using ALL of your Rooted in Reading. I was just recently offered the opportunity to teach 3rd (YIKES!), after being comfortable in my 2nd grade spot for so long and having all these wonderful resources from you and Hope I'm a bit nervous to leave my comfort zone. It's exciting to be able to loop with some of my kiddos, but my question is is there any other bloggers that you can recommend that kind of/sort of do something similar to what you are doing with Rooted in Reading. I already did all these activities with my students, and I'm definitely kicking off the school year with Rooted in Reading: August, but I would like something similar for my 3rd graders. THANKS AGAIN!!!

  2. Hi Amy! I have purchased your Rooted in Reading for our 2nd grade class this fall and curious if you do a separate spelling assessment that incorporates progressive phonics from the beginning of the year with each of your units or would that just be a separate piece we can do ourselves? I see you have wonderful word work with the vocabulary and putting them in ABC order, etc., but I don't see any spelling. I am coming from being in Journeys for 3 years and each unit had a phonics focus along with the vocabulary, grammar, and the comprehension pieces. I just want to work your units correctly. my e-mail is [email protected] or you can reply to the gmail