Well hello there, friends! Long time no talk! My Spring Break is quickly coming to an end. Tomorrow I will be back in the classroom remembering how glorious it was to have a week off and counting the days until summer break, ha! I love being a teacher, but being a mommy takes the cake!
My little family spent a fun few days in Disney World. It was such a blast experiencing such a fun vacation with Joelle. You can read more about our trip on my personal blog HERE. It was magical. and wonderful. and exhausting.
In Math we have been and will continue to be all about fractions. We used dotters to show parts of a group…
And played a simple game called In and Out. You basically dump a cup of counters onto a game mat that has a large circle in the middle of the paper. Then, you make a fraction for the counters that land in the circle and a fraction for the counters that land out of the circle. I gave each pair of students a cup, 8 counters, and paper to make their game mat. We recorded our fractions in our math spirals.
Towards the end of the week we made visuals to represent what we have learned about fractions. Fraction Sundaes are always a hit!
I love how each pair of students made theirs unique and added details. This took about 25 minutes to complete from start to finish… not too shabby!
And, they love Fraction Pizzas even more!
This year I just gave them an index card to write their fractions and glue into the center of their pizzas. It actually worked out great!
Both of those things helped to brighten up our hallway!
I forgot to take pictures of our fable writings a while back, but we had so much fun with fables this year thanks to THIS fabulous unit from Jane Loretz. It seriously rocked my socks off!
After we did her reader’s theaters and read lots of fables we finished our unit by writing our own fables. Such a fun activity! I was actually really nervous about how my students would do… I thought they would get stuck or just copy fables we had read, but they pleasantly surprised me. Now, they write fables all the time by choice during the Daily Five!
OH, and did you read THIS post by Katie King? If you are thinking about giving Math Stations a go, you definitely should take the time to check it out!
5 Responses
I am SO super excited!! First, I have missed you and your blogging, so I am happy to see you had a fun break with your family! AND, I am jumping up and down about your math center activities! I LOVE your products, and already own several, but now I am going to get the ones I was just looking at that are now on sale, woo hoo! (I can't wait to do fractions with the sundaes one I purchased a couple of weeks ago, too!). Thanks, kathrynZ
WHAT an adorable post! I can't wait to do all you fraction ideas with my kiddos in the next couple of weeks. You my lady, are just oozing with creativity!
Amy I am so glad you enjoyed my Fables unit. I just have to tell you that when I saw that you bought my fables pack I ran to a co-teacher to tell her I was so excited. I am glad your students enjoy writing fables, I know my students do too. It is great. I am and always have been a fan of yours and I am happy that you went to Disneyland. How fun. My family has lots of memories from our trip there many years ago. Take care Amy and thank you for posting my fables unit on your beautiful blog.
All of those fractions activities are wonderful! Can't wait to try them!
My Carolina Classroom
I have been slack on checking my favorite blogs lately. I am glad I came back to this awesome post. I will be trying out pretty much everything you posted with my class! Thank you!
Rockin' Shades and Postin' Grades