Happy Sunday, y’all!
We continued using our addition strategies, and I will say that I’m seeing *less* use of finger counting than before. We aren’t completely broken yet, and may never be… but our bank of strategies and tools is definitely helping! In the years past I haven’t spent as much time on basic addition skills in 2nd grade like I am doing this year. AND, I always end up regretting not taking the time early on. We will dig into double digit addition soon, so taking the time now to hit our addition facts is so worth it!
I really loved doing this flap-book on Friday… my kids were breaking down those numbers like crazy!
OHHH, and we finished up our frog unit! I just barely snapped this pic right before my kiddos left for the day!

10 Responses
looks great! I just finished up my benchmarking so we will finally start guided reading this week! Amen!
Thanks for sharing. Quick question here, how do you like doing daily 5 in the afternoon? My kiddies always do better in the morning but my mornings are broken up with specials. Any suggestions?
Thanks for sharing. Quick question here, how do you like doing daily 5 in the afternoon? My kiddies always do better in the morning but my mornings are broken up with specials. Any suggestions?
I just wanted to thank you for showing your plans each week .They are very helpful and useful. I Hope you continue to share them all year. I love them!!! I also love all of your products.I think I have purchased your whole library!!!
Love these visual plans. I am also
testing this week and using your literacy centers. YAY!!!!
How do you make visual plans?
For Sharon, I have Daily 5 in the afternoon because of specials. It works out better. I can catch up any stragglers from the day 🙂
Could I get an editable copy of your visual plan template?
Maybe a video of your whole day – kidding and not kidding 🙂
From one Amy to another! LOL! I love reading your blog! You have so many great ideas and I've purchased many things I've enjoyed using. I now really enjoy reading your visual lesson plans. I do have a question however, I noticed some great activities for ELA, but was wondering where you put in self sustained silent reading? My 2nd graders are at 20 minutes now and will work up to 35-40 minutes. With Reader's Workshop having a mini-lesson, silent reading, partner work, and sharing, there is no time for craftivities and other projects. Just wondering how you fit it in.
I am WAY behind in my blog following and just got to this one today. Beginning of the year!!! I loved your plan for getting your DRA assessments done while the other kids are doing your fall literacy centers. Imagine how thrilled I was when I clicked on them and found that I had already bought them during the big BTS sale in August! I'm printing them right now. Thanks! They're great.
I too am interested in how you make visual plans…? Any directions..templates, help,????