Happy Hump Day, friends! I have been knee-deep in reading levels for the past 3 days. If you saw my lesson plans for the week HERE then you know I tried something different this week. My students have been completing my Fallin’ Into Fun Literacy Centers while I have been DRA’in my kiddos at my small group table. Can I just say how awesomely amazing it has been?! I leveled 23 kiddos in THREE days without a sub, aide, or anyone else. I kinda feel like I should win an award, ha! I was *this* close to completing them in TWO days 🙂 In the future, I will more than likely always plan literacy center rotations during assessment time. It just makes sense because you can’t possibly be in front of the class teaching while testing. Next semester, I may have my kiddos doing book clubs during that time… we shall see!
Okay, now back to why I popped in today! I wanted to show you how we went through our addition strategy for the day… The Flip-Flop Strategy.
First, we talked about the strategy and made notes in our Math spiral. I gave each student 3 index cards, we folded them in half, and used the cards to anchor our learning.
Under each flap we wrote definitions or gave examples.
Then, we went into using the strategy with our white boards. This is the easiest way I can quickly check to see if my kiddos are getting it!
After that, my kiddos showed what they learned using the flip flop templates from my Addition Strategies unit.
Gotta love a bright, new door display!
I decided that we needed to do more than just make the flip-flops. I agree whole-heartedly with Katie King when she says it is SO important for kiddos to write during math. I wanted my students to explain (in their own words) how to use the strategy, and give some extra examples/non-examples. So, I made this little recording sheet that you can grab HERE!
And, that’s it! It has been so refreshing to hear my kiddos talk about how they can use their strategies when solving problems. I’m just in awe during math! Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

5 Responses
I have this unit and I have to say I am already LOVING it! My kids made the sums of 10, 12, and 14 flip book yesterday and nailed it! We are making the flip flops tomorrow! SO FUN! Thanks! 🙂
I have been bogged down with DRA testing and finding it takes approx 30 minutes each. How did you get those done so quickly? In GPISD.
I am doing the flipflop strategy tomorrow!!! This is PERFECT to add to it! Thanks Amy!
Tonya’s Treats for Teachers
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I found your blog through TpT and I love it. It makes me miss my second grade classroom while I'm staying home with my little ones. Though I don't miss trying to get all those DRAs done at the beginning of the year but it sounds like you found a good solution to that problem. I just wanted to let you know that I love your recording sheet for the flip flop strategy. I like the example and non-example section. Great idea!!!
Thanks for the new fun blog for me to read and keep my teacher brain working.
One, Two, Three: Math Time