This time of year (you know… the time of year when kiddos tend to go crazy and teachers are tired) I like to keep things very consistent. I am still introducing new topics, and unfortunately, I don’t have the time to tie everything into the holidays… BUT to save my sanity I keep my lessons and activity formats very similar to one another.
So, this post will look very much like Monday’s post because today I used the same format to teach Polygons that I did for Quadrilaterals 🙂
We started with a quick chart that I made…
We sang along with this Polygon song that my teammate shared with me!
Then, my students worked in partners to complete a Polygon Flapbook
After working with partners it was time to work independently… so my students glued these Polygon flaps into their math spirals. Underneath they simply wrote yes or no 🙂
At the very end of our math black my students wrote a reflection. They answered the question: What is a polygon? I also asked for an example and non-example. This little sweetie went above and beyond my expectations… she explained in detail!
So, my word for the day is: CONSISTENCY! Thankfully they aren’t bored just yet 😉