When I saw that Cara did a little blast from the past post about a former classroom, I knew I had to step back into time as well! Let me give you a little backstory before we get into the pictures.
I graduated from college in 3 1/2 years which landed my graduation in December. After student teaching for an entire year, and being MORE than broke (and married), I was TERRIFIED that I would not be able to find a job midyear. And, I was also terrified to take over a classroom that I hadn’t started the year with. But, the Lord came to my rescue and took care of all of those fears. I actually got to pick between 2 jobs at 2 different schools that were offered to me, which was more than I could have ever hoped for. So, at that time is was between a 1st and 4th grade position. I really wanted to teach 1st grade, BUT I really LOVED the school that had the 4th grade position. So, I started teaching 4th grade in December. Let me tell you… it was a bumpy year, but so worth it. I learned more in that 6 months than I ever did in college. It was an amazing experience, but one that I don’t ever want to go back to, ha! 4th graders scare me, lol!
So, after I got the job I literally had a Friday evening and Saturday afternoon to completely redo the classroom before I started on Monday. The teacher before me was a total nutcase and left the room a complete disaster (hence the reason she was gone mid-year!). Anyways, with little time, little money, NO experience, and a lot of help from family and friends, we got it done in 1 1/2 days!
These pictures aren’t really meant to give you inspiration, but just to show you how I started out. They actually make me cringe a little, but it worked for the short time I was there.
This was my favorite area in the classroom… I loved that big window and all of the storage.
Here’s the front of the room. Pretty stinkin’ bare, but my mom’s BFF made me those ladybugs and lemons, which I still have in my classroom 🙂
I’ve always loved me some DJ Inkers bulletin board sets 🙂
Another HUGE whiteboard that I never knew what to do with. Kinda a waste of space!
That material hanging over the TV cabinet makes me want to shout at myself! We used the TV for school announcements.
This was my back wall/student hooks. I taught social studies, which in Texas means Texas History. I used this wall for vocabulary words.
And, my classroom expectations. Coming in midyear meant that this board was super important.
So, there you have it. That’s where I came from. Looking back makes me realize how much each year shapes you as a teacher. It’s kinda cool to have a job where you can constantly grow, learn new things, and improve upon!
Want to find a little more about me, my teaching style, and how I started blogging? Head on over to Second Grade Sparkle and check it out!

13 Responses
I started last year in the middle of the year so I know exactly how you felt. It was a crazy year, but I am so thankful for the experience. I learned so much! =)
Ms. Smith
Adventures of Ms. Smith
Loved reading your interview. I have a silly question but our school has a no worksheet policy starting this year. What's the difference between a worksheet and a tpt packet or unit? I know there is a lot but I just want to be able to justify my answer. I use all of your wonderful ideas and tons from other blogs.
✣ Miss Nelson✣
Miss Nelson’s Blog
I sure wish I had pictures of my very first classroom. I had the honor of teaching in a mobile unit. It was not a pretty sight!
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Your first classroom was so cute! I never took pictures of mine – what was I thinking? I'm so glad you liked your interview! Thanks for the shout-out!
Second Grade Sparkle
I also started teaching after I graduated in December. I was their third teacher at that point and that was the most trying year but I grew and learned so much that year too. I cried the last day of school not because I was going to miss the class, but because I was emotionally spent in the end. Only having 2 days to prep your room was crazy!
I Heart Teaching Elementary
Ha! My maiden name is Greene too, but with an e! I was Rachel Greene {like Friends…} and really hated losing my name when we got married!
Loved looking at these pics!!!!!!!!!
I also started mid year but I didn't get ANY time to get the room ready. The teacher quit Friday and I had to start the following Monday. It was awful I kept finding hidden school supplies and teacher guides for like 3 weeks.
Learning With Laughter
So fun to look at your pictures. I started mid-school year a gazillion years ago…. it's not easy!
❤Dragonflies in First ❤
I also started mid year in a kinder classroom, but the teacher I was replacing very generously left her things for me to use until the school year ended. (she left for for bedrest and maternity leave) I was so blessed!
I love reading your blog!
I love reading your blog… You are definitely an inspiration to me because of your values, teaching style, and because this year is my first year of teaching and it is second grade! I saw my classroom yesterday and it is upside down! I really don't know where to start. Do you have any advice or “must dos”?
Jodi Shaw
I can't even imagine only having 1.5 days!! Ahh! Looked great though!!
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