Last year I struggled with the standard:
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900.
Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900.
or, in Texas…
TEK 2.7B
use an understanding of place value to determine the number that is 10 or 100 more or less than a given number up to 1,200
It’s not that I didn’t teach it, it’s just that I didn’t have a collection of fun, engaging activities for my students. I would hit it here and there (mostly in Math Stations), but didn’t spend enough time really developing those mental math skills.
These skills are taught early in the year in my district so I decided to spend some time creating activities for my new students. Here’s a look at what I came up with!
I love to use dice and spinners in my classroom. It is easy to differentiate using those materials which is always a win/win in the classroom! Plus… the kids get a kick out of spinning a paperclip and tossing a dice around!
I also tried to incorporate multiple skills so we are hitting all of our standards throughout the year. We’ll be counting coins, ordering numbers, working on expanded and word form, and more! I always try to spiral concepts… especially place value skills!!!
When teaching a concept or reviewing throughout the year it is important to present the skill in a variety of ways. I’ll do whatever it takes to get my kiddos excited about doing math in my classroom. We do lots of scoots, work with QR codes, put puzzles together, play games, and anything else I can think of to get them excited about learning! I think it’s important to jazz up a standard that doesn’t seem very appealing at first look! You can find all of the activities in the pictures above HERE!
While I was out and about shopping a few more ideas came to mind to teach adding/subtracting 10 and 100 to a given number. You probably have a lot of these things in your classroom already, so here we go!
1. Place Value Stacking Cups: If your kids are working on 3-digit numbers, you need 3 cups. If they are working with 4-digit numbers, you need 4 cups… etc. Write the numbers 0-9 around each cup you are using. Students spin the cups around to make a 3-digit number.
2. Place Value Mini Cups: I bought my little cups from Hobby Lobby but you could use any type of small cup or container. Label the outside with H, T, O (or Th, H, T, O). Write numbers on paper and cut up to put the numbers 0-9 in each cup (I put about 3 of each number in each cup). Students shake the cup to mix up the numbers. Then, they draw out a number from each cup.
3. Place Value Sticks: Write the numbers 0-9 on popsicle/craft sticks. I bought colored craft sticks and color coded like this: Hundreds-Green, Tens-Orange, Ones-Red. Students choose one of each colored stick to make a 3-digit number.
There are so many other things you could do… numbered bean bags, numbered bouncy balls, wrapped candy that is numbered. I think the main thing is trying to think of creative ways to do something so ordinary. Could they just think of a 3-digit number? Absolutely! But, if you are rolling dice, spinning spinners, choosing number sticks, spinning cups around, etc, it is much more fun!! It gets to the point where they don’t mind doing the work because it is so fun :)))!
You can click HERE for the freebie pictured above! I copied them on colored paper and laminated so that we can use them all throughout the year 🙂
Here is a Periscope that I did about making numbers and adding/subtracting 10 & 100. Hopefully you’ll see how easy it is to put some of these fun activities into practice! So many of them are cheap and super simple to assemble!!
If you click on the things below you can find some of the materials I talked about:
Pencil Caddy– I got mine at Hobby Lobby but they are all over the place
Popsicle Sticks, Small Containers, Cups: Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby
I am always looking for new ways to build numbers and have fun in math, so please leave suggestions below 🙂

9 Responses
I love this post, and all of the great ideas that you have shared. BTW you rocked your Periscope on this topic. I haven't been loving Periscope, but you totally changed my mind today. The best one I've seen so far 🙂
Thank you for the freebie, the ideas, and the delightful chat on Periscope. You were a natural!
Second In Line
Loved your scope! Thanks for the great ideas!
This is great! Question— how do you know students are “getting it”? Do you do this with a small group or as a center?
Hi! Where can I find the worksheet that you used for 100 more, 100 less, 10 more, 10 less and the paper hundreds, tens and ones? Thanks!!!
Thanks so much Amy. You are always a life saver when it comes to making my lessons more engaging. Your the best!
You are on fire!!! I love your blog posts and periscopes, I always learn something new! I'm amazed at how easy you make everything look.
Thank you so much!!
I love the little green shelf that holds your materials in the video. Is it on wheels? Where did you buy it?
Thanks for being so inspirational!!
Julie Pezzullo
Grade 2
Rhode Island
Thanks for the great ideas. These will definitely come in use for my place value unit. My students are going to have so much fun. Thanks again for sharing.