Today is Unite Against Bullying Day. I wanted to share a great read-aloud and lesson that you can do with your kiddos during any part of the school year. Sometimes we just need a little reminder to treat others nicely. You know those days when your students just can’t seem to get along? This would be a great thing to do during a time like that, and it only takes about 20 minutes or less to do!
I read the book The Yellow Tutu, but really any book with an example of bullying, teasing, or friendships being tested will do! The Yellow Tutu gives some really concrete examples of teasing, and it’s a quick (and precious) read! This original lesson idea came from Scholastic. You can find that HERE.
After reading the book, you’ll brainstorm the ways in which the main character was negatively affected by the other children. Write down the words and actions that caused her harm. I just drew a large body on chart paper and wrote the words there.
Talk to your students about how hurtful words can tear us apart. Cut each phrase off of the body. It’s like we are left with nothing to give when people hurt us with their words and actions. It’s also a great time to compare Margo throughout the book. We can really see how she is affected by the other children in the story.
In the story, it just took one little girl to make a difference in Margo’s day. On band-aids, write down the things that Pearl did to encourage Margo and to build her back up. Slowly start putting the body back together with the band-aids.
It’s important to mention how the hurt doesn’t go away even when we put Margo back together. You can’t just erase the feelings that occur after being bullied or put down. We can forgive and move on, but the things we say and do can impact someone for a lifetime.
I promise you’ll have some really great conversations with your students during this read-aloud! Hopefully they walk away wanting to be the kind of person that makes other people smile rather than frown :)))
4 Responses
What a great visual for students! Did the band-aids hurt the books at all? I'd be nervous it would take off the illustrations with it! Super cute idea…
I think the band-aids still have their paper backing and aren’t stuck on the page. I think she only stuck the band-aids on the paper doll when “taping” the character back together with the kind words.
Exactly what Heather said! The band-aids weren’t used in the book!
I love this little lesson. I will be adding it to my library of bullying lessons. Thank you for sharing!